Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

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What is Recognition of Prior Learning?

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) allows learners to be credited for all, or part of, their nationally recognised qualification by demonstrating skills, understanding and experience in a particular field of work.

RPL is an assessment process that acknowledges an individual’s prior learning, experience, skills and knowledge in the working environment where it is relevant to their chosen qualification.  An RTO can provide a credit against units of competency, often shorting the time required to complete a qualification.

What does that mean? If units are able to be recognised in your chosen course that means you won’t have to do them so less time for your course. Your qualification can be fast-tracked so instead of it taking a year it may only take a few months! *

*Eligibility applies

Check your Eligibility

Complete a 60 second RPL skills check now to determine your eligibility.

How Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) can work for you

When completing a qualification that can take up to 12 months (and in some cases more), gaining credit can have a huge benefit to your career and lifestyle. Namely, saving time!

Improve career prospects

Chase that promotion, get those licences and move forward in your business or career.

Save time

Focus on learning new skills, not repeating what you already know.

Meet industry requirements

Be confident that your qualification meets industry regulation.

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