Grievance Policy

Appeals and complaints

If a Foundation Training Australia learner is not happy with an assessment outcome they have the right to appeal the decision. The same instance applies, if a learner would like to make a formal complaint, they are also entitled to do so.

We welcome all learner feedback. Learner complaints can be made directly to the Trainer/Assessor or by simply phoning Foundation Training Australia’s Learning Engagement team on: 1300 990 064 or emailing us at:

Academic appeal process

An appeals and re-assessment process is an integral part of all training and assessment pathways leading to a nationally recognised qualification or Statement of Attainment under the Australian Qualification Framework and in accordance with the VET Quality Framework.

A fair and impartial appeals process is available to you as a learner of Foundation Training Australia. If you wish to appeal your assessment result, you must first discuss the issue with your Trainer. All appeals are recorded in writing on the Appeals against Assessment form, and the results of the appeal process will also be communicated to you in writing including reasons for the decision made.

The appeals process will allow for you to formally present your case, and will also allow for your appeal to be heard by an independent person or panel if requested. A copy of this communication will also be kept on file, both on the complaints register and your learner file.

Grounds for Appeal

Your application for appeal will be considered if you are disadvantaged because:

  • The Trainer/Assessor did not provide a subject outline,
  • The Trainer/Assessor varied without consultation or in an unreasonable way the assessment requirements as specified in the subject outline,
  • Assessment requirements specified by the trainer were unreasonably or prejudicially applied to you,
  • It is believed that a clerical error has occurred in the documenting of the assessment outcome,
  • There appears to be a discrepancy between the practical observation and the formal assessment.

If the appeal for re-assessment is upheld Foundation Training Australia will make all necessary arrangements to conduct the re-assessment at a time that is mutually convenient for all parties concerned, and if required the appeal will be heard by an independent person or panel. All appeals are recorded and reviewed at Management Review Meetings.

If there is still disagreement about an appeal or complaint the learner should lodge a written statement directly with the General Manager at Foundation Training Australia:

Subject: Private and Confidential – Appeals and complaints


Postal: PO Box 7322, East Brisbane QLD 4169

Foundation Training Australia takes all learner complaints and appeals very seriously. All appeals and complaints will be reviewed and investigated and a written outcome provided to the learner.

Records of all appeals and complaints are maintained by the Compliance Manager and stored in the Compliance database. If the learner/candidate is not happy with the outcome from Foundation Training Australia, they may seek independent avenues of appeal, including Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA), or National Training Complaints Hotline on 1800 000 674.

Foundation Training Australia conducts regular continuous improvement initiatives. We will review all complaints and appeals and make changes, where appropriate, to our policies and procedures.


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